Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling in Roseville

When you and your partner struggle to connect, you are both left feeling alone and frustrated. The network of couples & marriage counselors at Great Lakes Psychology Group can help bring you together again.
Conveniently located in Roseville, MI near E 10 Mile Rd and Gratiot Ave, Great Lakes Psychology Group offers effective marriage and couples counseling services for couples in any phase of their relationship. By working to facilitate open communication, mutual compassion, and secure attachment, marriage counseling can help you and your partner establish closeness and connection.
“I’m not being heard.” “No matter what I say, I can’t make it better.” “I don’t understand how my words get so twisted.” Do any of these phrases sound familiar? Why is it that communication can be so difficult in intimate relationships? Experts who study couples dynamics suggest that because we are vulnerable in intimate relationships (i.e., risking rejection and abandonment), it is very difficult to communicate openly and effectively when we feel disconnected from and insecure with our partner. Trained couples counselors from Great Lakes Psychology Group’s network have the tools to help couples re-establish a sense of security, and in turn, communicate more effectively.
Learning more about the primal emotions that can fuel conflict in relationships helps us to foster compassion and understanding for our partners. By working with a skilled marriage counselor from Great Lakes Psychology Group’s network, suddenly “my spouse just doesn’t care about me” can turn in to “my spouse is terrified of disappointing me again, so he/she retreats and withdraws.” By establishing mutual compassion for each other, you and your partner can begin to break down the walls you may have built between you.
Humans are wired to seek contact, care, and comfort from a significant other. It can be physically, emotionally, and cognitively damaging to us when we feel we have lost that closeness with our partner. Great Lakes Psychology Group’s network of couples counselors and psychologists understand this, and they have the skills necessary to help you and your partner establish a safe connection and help you improve your mental health.
To get started creating a more satisfying life together, contact us at 800-693-1916 or schedule an appointment online.
18303 E. Ten Mile Rd, Suite 200
Roseville, MI 48066
Ready to get started?
Book instantly with a licensed therapist who accepts your insurance and is available to see you online or in-person.