Counseling in Sterling Heights Great Lakes Psychology Group

Counseling in Sterling Heights

Our network of Sterling Heights therapists offer in-office and online therapy options.

  • Online Therapy Available
  • Flexible Payment Plans
  • Insurance Accepted

Online. In-person. Easy to begin.

Our network of Sterling Heights therapists partner with insurances and neighboring healthcare providers in the community to ensure your counseling needs are met in the most efficient way possible. Regardless of your insurance or financial situation, we have flexible payment plans in place so that nothing can stop you from getting the help you or your loved one needs.

    Services & Specialties

    Individual Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Individual counseling helps to explore issues related to a single presenting problem or multiple. It can also be beneficial if you're simply looking for guidance or someone to talk to about general concerns. Whatever your reason may be for counseling, our network of therapists can help you to reach your desired outcome.

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    Marriage Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    If your relationship is in turmoil, getting a third-party involved could be your saving grace. Our network of therapists that specialize in couples have undergone extensive training in order to help pinpoint the root cause of any struggle and how to begin working toward fixing it. 

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    Family Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Family therapy can help resolve emotional conflicts in a variety of ways. Our network of counselors are trained to handle issues ranging from general wellbeing to more serious mental and behavioral issues. Whatever the root cause of your or your loved one's problems may be, we will work with you to help target and overcome them.

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    Child / Teen Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Raising kids is no easy task and it should never be looked at as a sign of weakness to seek help for them. In some cases, counseling can prove to be the support children and teens need in order to overcome the many struggles they can face. Our network of therapists will work to find solutions based on their individual needs.

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    Depression Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Depression can impact far more than your emotional stability. When left untreated, it can lead to a variety of other presenting problems, which is why it's important to get help early. Regardless, all hope is never lost. Our network of therapists can help you every step of the way on your road to happiness.

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    Anxiety Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Anxiety, however minor or severe, can be managed and relieved through therapy. We help you work through past experiences and prepare you for the future with hopes that you can manage anxiety triggers before they take control. Our network of therapists and psychologists are well trained in making this process a smooth one.

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    Stress Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Prolonged stress can cause both mental and physical health issues. Our goal is to stop the symptoms of stress in its tracks. We can help you get ahead of these issues. Our network of counselors will work with you to determine the best way to reduce your current stress levels while also helping to prevent future outbreaks.

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    Abuse Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    If you or a loved one suffer from the impact of emotional or physical abuse, we’re here to help. Many of our network of therapists are well-equipped in providing the support needed to overcome even the most horrific situations. We’ve helped many to realize they are not alone and strive to keep empowering others.

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    PTSD Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is commonly associated with war veterans but anyone who has suffered a traumatic experience can endure it. If you or a loved one have experienced trauma, abuse, or the impact of war, we are here to help. Learn the benefits that can come from gaining an outlet for mental health support.

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    ADD / ADHD Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Struggling to focus and being forgetful is sometimes just a normal part of life. However, if these actions describe your everyday life, it is possible that you are experiencing what is referred to as ADD/ADHD. Our network of counselors can help you overcome your symptoms by providing resources for managing them.

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    Teen Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    Teenagers face more challenges than ever in today’s world. With advancements in technology and questions of identity, parents may find it difficult to keep up. Counseling can be useful for offering a safe and judgment-free environment to discuss concerns as well as helping parents recognize warning signs and symptoms.

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    Child Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    It's important for children to learn how to express their emotions and get a grasp on their struggles when they are young. The mechanisms that they learn to use early on will likely stay with them for the rest of their life. We can help in providing the assistance and tools needed to build toward their success.

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    Harmful Habits Counseling in Sterling Heights, MI

    When bad habits take control, it can be hard to regain strength. Our network of therapists practice compassionate and evidence-based care for replacing harmful habits with healthy ones. We recognize the varying cases of dependency and will work with you at a pace that suits your needs in order to reach your desired outcome.

    Our Sterling Heights office is located at:
    38600 Van Dyke Ave, Suite 101 Sterling Heights, MI 48312

    Our Sterling Heights office brings a wide array of services and specialties to give you the care and support you’re searching for. Here, our network of licensed therapists provide a safe and welcoming space to work with you through whatever it is you are struggling with.

    We do our best to accommodate those we serve by providing flexibility in every part of what we do. We accept insurance, and offer customizable payment plans in order to meet the varying needs of all our clients.

    We’ve helped thousands get back on their feet and hope to do the same for you.

    Ready to get started?

    Book instantly with a licensed therapist who accepts your insurance and is available to see you online or in-person.

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