Depression Page 2 of 2 Great Lakes Psychology Group
difference between sadness and depression

The Difference Between Sadness and Depression

Have you ever felt down and wondered, is this depression? It’s normal to feel sad, irritable, or low now and then - so at what point does sadness become depression?…

Girl Sitting Alone Blurred Line Between Grief and Depression

The Blurred Line Between Grief and Depression

Experiencing a major loss, be it of a loved one, losses from a natural disaster, a disability, a serious medical illness, or financial ruin, may lead to feelings of immense sadness,…

Winter Blues

What to do When the Winter Blues Don’t Go Away

Winter Blues versus Seasonal Depression The winter months brought with them colder temperatures, overcast skies, late sunrises, and early sunsets. For many people living at northern latitudes, the winter climate…

overcome loneliness

4 Ways to Overcome Loneliness

What is loneliness? Feeling lonely is not the same as being physically alone; we all know it's possible to be alone and feel content, and it's also possible to feel…