Therapist Spotlight: Frank Almaflahi, LMSW Great Lakes Psychology Group
Therapist Spotlight

Therapist Spotlight: Frank Almaflahi, LMSW

Frank Almaflahi

Get to know therapist Frank Almaflahi, LMSW.

What do you specialize in?

I am experienced in working with people who suffer from bipolar, anxiety, depression, trauma, loss, grief, addictions, personality disorders and relationship problems.

What do you think is important about your role as a therapist?

The therapist role is not only important in assisting clients process thoughts and feelings; but also, is crucial in assisting them discover their own strengths, learn new copings skills to overcome challenges related to mental illness and social problems.

How do you help people, in your opinion?

Through years of practice in the mental health field, I have helped thousands of clients identify and achieve treatment goals. As an experienced therapist, I believe that it is important to listen to clients as they are the experts in their own lives then help guide them to process feelings, organize thoughts, and learn coping skills to foster empowerment and recovery.

What is something that you wish people knew about your specialty or about therapy in general?

We are people with thoughts, feelings, and emotions; sometimes we could go through difficult experiences, confusion, and pain. However, only very few individuals seek professional help. I believe that such reluctance is due to centuries of stigma and misguided information. Through my practice and experience, I believe that individuals who acknowledge troubling issues and participate in treatment recover and overcome challenges sooner. If you are struggling with a mental health issue or a social problem at home or at work you owe it to yourself to seek professional help, which could help you be closer to your ideal self or your ideal relationship.

Name an influential person or experience in your life.

I am influenced by the work Carl Rogers; his humanistic approach to psychology promotes hope and motivates individuals to strive to be the best they could be (Ideal self). Rogers emphasis on self-worth, value and unconditional positive regards are concepts that touched my soul and influenced the way I view life. Just like Rogers, I believe that assisting individuals realize their self-worth and self-regard would motivate them to explore personal strength and abilities which could lead to a happy and productive life.

Frank Almaflahi offers online therapy appointments. To learn more about Frank, please visit his therapist profile.