Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

A photo of a woman with the sun hitting her face from the window in front of her, while she is looking out the window.

National Eating Disorders Week falls on February 26 through March 3, 2012.  The initiative is meant to raise awareness of, and provide accurate information about, eating disorders.  The National Eating Disorders Association has coined the theme of the week, “Everybody Knows Somebody.”  They hope to, not only raise awareness, but also prevent the occurrence of eating disorders.  In fact, in response to the high rate of teenagers with eating disorders, the National Eating Disorders Association has launched a new website aimed at adolescents and teenagers, called Proud2BMe (  The site offers an online community of peers and information with the goal of promoting positive body image and healthy attitudes about food.

Some facts about eating disorders:

  • Almost 10 million females and 1 million males suffers from an eating disorder
  • Peak onset of eating disorders occurs during puberty and late teens through early adulthood
  • More than 1 in 3 normal dieters progresses to compulsive dieting
  • The 3 most common eating disorders are: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder
  • There are often other psychological issues present such as depression and/or anxiety
  • Athletes are far more prone to eating disorders than non-athletes, especially female athletes

In response to National Eating Disorders Week, Great Lakes Psychology Group is offering a free phone consultation for anyone seeking help for an eating disorder.

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